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Directamente del mundo de la Competición, y tras un providencial encuentro con directivos del sector público, llegamos a la conclusión de que toda nuestra tecnología y nuestro conocimiento debían de estar al servicio del ciudadano y del medio ambiente. Siempre mostramos inquietudes hacia lo que hoy entendemos como un Proyecto de Vida. Porque creemos en

Kia, segunda enseña del grupo coreano Hyundai-Kia, ha sido el fabricante de automóviles con un crecimiento más explosivo en la última década Kia, segunda enseña del grupo coreano Hyundai-Kia, ha sido el fabricante de automóviles con un crecimiento más explosivo en la última década. En 2015 entregó 3.041.685 vehículos en todo el mundo, 43.435 de

En el octavo y último golpe al mercado municipal de A Pedra, en Vigo, en la bautizada como Operación Cuarzo, la policía encontró 24.000 objetos falsificados entre ropa, calzado, joyas y tabaco. La actuación puso el punto final a varias décadas de impunidad de una actividad que llegó a ser un reclamo turístico para la

The Ivy restaurant and private room are re-open, following a five month refurbishment, designed by Martin Brudnizki Design Studio. “Non-negotiables” such as the harlequin stained glass windows, green leather banquettes, wood, mirrors, great art and kind lighting are all incorporated in a way reminiscent of the past but apt for the 21st century. Note-worthy are

This is the roller coaster of emotions you’ll experience whenever you find yourself in the neighborhood. How to deal? Know exactly what you’re looking to get out of your meal and choose a restaurant accordingly. Whether you’re with friends and family, potential significant others, or work people, picking a place with the right vibe is

It should come as no surprise that kettlebell training is extremely efficient to help you reach your goals. Kettlebells are a highly versatile training tool allowing you to train full body and achieve massive strength, shed fat, and build stellar endurance. In this article I’m going to focus on four kettlebell exercises I believe are

Life (2017) Duration 103 mins Genre Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller. In Cinemas March 22, 2017 Language 广州话 / 廣州話, English, 日本語. Country United States of America. Plot For Life Movie ‘Life’ was released in March 22, 2017 in genre Horror. Daniel Espinosa was directed this movie and starring by Jake Gyllenhaal. This movie tell story

Black Panther (2018) Duration 134 mins Genre Action, Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, Thriller. In Cinemas February 13, 2018 Language English. Country United States of America. Plot For Black Panther ‘Black Panther’ is a movie genre Action, was released in February 13, 2018. Ryan Coogler was directed this movie and starring by Chadwick Boseman. This movie